Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I've often had people ask me how they can get better faster. People today want what they want yesterday. Well unfortunately, in physical culture things don't work that way.

Small steps people.

If you rush things, especially in your workouts, you will get hurt. It's a matter of putting your body through something it is not ready for. When I say something positive can happen quickly, I'm usually referring to at least 2-4 weeks time. Not 2-4 days, or hours.

Sometimes clients will expect miracles after one week of training. While it's true you will see some results after only a few days, you will not burn of 20 pounds of pure fat in a week. No matter what you see on TV. It's not possible. You may see morbidly obese people get rid of 20 pounds of body weight in a week. But it's not all fat, at the most it would be about 3 pounds of fat, and that takes a miracle.

Anyway, I won't get into all the science, but just think of your goals in small steps. They do add up quickly. That's one thing that I can guarantee; small steps will add up to great gains faster that you think. It's the Law of Accumulation.

So be patient my friends. Never give up and constantly strive to improve.

Train smart,



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