Monday, April 23, 2007

Active kids = smart kids

I saw a little article in one of the Sunday papers yesterday, no more that 250 words about how studies have suggested that physical activity, i.e. exercise and/or sports, helps kids get better grades.

Once again I say, duh!

Anyone whose done any sort of serious physical training has at least somewhat of an understanding of the mind/body connection. The better shape your body is in the better shape your mind will be in also.

Every child should be encouraged to find some activity they can get passionate about. Even if it is not an organized school sport, I believe everyone can find something they enjoy, somewhere, somehow.

I doesn't matter how smart you are if your body is ready to call it quits by the time you're 30. The yolk and white of an egg is where all the action happens, but without a sturdy shell to protect them, they are worthless.

If any of you parents out there have a inactive child who is struggling with their grades try an experiment. Get them moving their body and see how that affects their mind. I think you'll discover improved focus and clarity of purpose in all aspects of their life. The bottom line is; move or die.

Train smart,



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