Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Strengths vs Weaknesses

Everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses. And no where are these more apparent than in fitness training.

For example someone may excel at an exercise like pull-ups because they are light and have less weight in their legs and stronger muscles in the upper body. Where someone like me, who has big hips and legs may excel in squats and struggle in pull ups.

Their are some people who will tell you to only train your weaknesses. And yet other's that will tell you to only train your strengths. While it is true there is a ripple effect in training, that is, training one specific part of your body does transfer to the rest of you body to a degree. I believe it is important to train the entire body equally, weaknesses and strengths be darned. Why? Well for the simple fact that my training approach is for the whole body. I'm not a competitive weight lifter specializing in the deadlift, so I'm not going to train in the deadlift everyday.

For the average person it is important to develop an all around fitness program that trains strengths and weaknesses equally. You'll look forward to the exercises you excel at and look not-so forward to your weaker ones. That will also help train your mind to be strong.

At least that's my opinion.

Train smart,



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