Monday, April 09, 2007

Almost forgot

So how was everyone's Easter? Mine was good. Stayed home and had people come to me, which I like.

Last night I realized that I was breaking one of my rules. It was 11pm and I hadn't exercised all day. Those of you who have been reading this blog for a while know I have a rule of making sure I exercise on holidays and my birthday. Why? Because if I do it on those days then I can do it any day. It's just a little mental trick.

Even though I was tired from a long day of cooking and visiting I got up and got to work. I worked up a good hearty sweat. Unfortunately I had trouble falling asleep after that so I ended up only getting about 3.5 hours of sleep. But that's okay, I'll just sneak in a nap sometime today. In fact, if I was able to get away with it schedule wise I would sleep twice a in 24 hour period, I would do 2 3-4 sleeps instead of one 7-8 hour one. But at this point in my life I can't pull that off. There are people out there who practice polyphase sleeping. Some people sleep for 20 minutes every 3 hours. Now that sounds good on paper, but how in the world someone can pull that off in the real world and live life is beyond me. But to each his own.


find the time to exercise, make yourself do it, no matter what. It's a good thing.

Train smart,



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