Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Stop apologizing so much

At some point you have to stop feeling sorry for yourself and act. I've seen some people spending their entire lives feeling like they've let themselves and/or others down and constantly apologizing for it.

If you feel like you've let someone down, including yourself, apologize once then get to work to fix the situation.

"I'm sorry I'm overweight, I'm a bad example for my kids, oh well, now to go pick up dinner at McDonald's." A slight exaggeration perhaps, but people think or say similar things to this every day.

Chronic apologizing is like a disease. The fear of seeming like a bad person over powers our will to act. Action is the cure for fear. Remember, apologizing when you need to is important, but it is not your only purpose for being on this planet.

If you're out of shape, and you feel like you've let yourself down, apologize once then get moving. No one every got anywhere by whining.

Train smart,



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