Monday, March 26, 2007

Give yourself a hand

Don't forget to train your hands.

Grip training is sort of a hobby of mine and I like to think I've developed a pretty good grip. It's not what I would consider a world class grip, but it's getting there.

All too often people fall victim to pain in the hands. As they get older, the smal,l delicate joints of the hands start to give out. I'm sure you've all seen more mature folks with almost immovable fingers.

The way to prevent that is to start training now. You don't have to tear phonebooks in half and do feats like that, unless you want to. You just need to do specific exercises meant to target your hands and wrists.

There are all kinds of way to do this, from as simple as squeezing on a tennis ball to closing one of the heavy grippers on the market. You can rip card board, or go on to harder things like decks of playing cards. There's really a whole spectrum of levels you can train at. Just do something for your hands. You'll be happy you did later in life.

If you need more ideas on what do to just shoot me and email or post a comment and I'll give you some info.

Train smart,



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