Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Fresh air

Yesterday I worked out outside for the first time since winter began. And it was nice. Nothing quite gets you charged up (in a natural way) like breathing in deep some fresh air.

I'm sure I look silly to all my neighbors since I do some nontraditional training. But I don't care.

You see, you can not be concerned with what other people think. I hear it all the time, people don't want to exercise in front of other people because they don't like how they look. I understand, but you must learn to push past it. Sure, you can workout alone in a closed room, but sometimes it's good to get out there, and exercise where other people can see you. It's a great way to train yourself to get over fear in general.

No one is going to say anything to you. And if they say something about you to someone else, so what? Who are they and why does it matter what they think? At least you're out there trying to take care of yourself.

I once knew a girl who didn't exercise just for this very reason. Her first mistake was thinking she absolutely had to go to a public gym to exercise. Since she believed that she would never do it because she was embarrassed. She owned a gym membership of course, but never went.

Adults never are more vulnerable than when they are physically spent. And letting others you don't know or trust see you like that is a big step for some. But sometimes you just have to do it. No matter what.

The only person you have to impress is yourself.

Train smart,



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