Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Stupid mother

I saw in the news yesterday there's an extremely overweight child in Britain that is in danger of being taken away from his mother because of his weight. He's 9 years-old and weighs 218 pounds.

The mother is no pillar of health herself either.

Do I think the boy should be taken from his mother? No. However I do think it is a form of child abuse. And it must be stopped. People need to intervene. But taking the child away seems extreme to me.

Some people are just so ignorant and, sorry to say this, stupid, that they think they're not doing anything wrong. The mother said she couldn't stop him from eating because he "steals and hides food." Well who buys the food that's in the house to steal? Of course it's everyone's fault but hers.

Not to mention they had had several free appointments with dietitians, nutritionists and fitness trainers that they blew off.

I hope the mother pulls her head out of her you-know-what and realizes she is killing her son. But I honestly doubt it. That boy will probably be dead by the time he's 30, and it's a shame.

I've said it once, and again, again, and again....be good stewards of your kids bodies. They will thank you for it in the future.

Train smart,



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