Thursday, February 15, 2007

Lazy day

Hopefully you all survived the storm. It always makes me laugh how much the news people panic at the slightest bit of snow. You'd think it was the first time it ever snowed in New England. But I guess their job is to sensationalize everything.

At my house we had a lazy day at home. My wife and I both stayed home.

It felt good to have a day where I didn't have to do anything. I've been really busy lately with wrestling season wrapping up and my business to run.

Sometimes you need to get away, even if that's just staying home and doing nothing. And yes, sometimes you even need a break from exercise. Although it's my opinion people in general take too much time off from exercise. Three times a week for 20 minutes is just not enough. It's fine if you're just starting out, but it shouldn't be you end all goal.

5-6 days a week is good. The duration of the workout will depend on what you're doing. If you're doing a bunch of sprints obviously you won't be able to keep those up for 30 minutes straight. But you could jog for 30.

A good workout can be done in 5 minutes or 60 or more. It depends on what you do. Eventually you'll learn what it feels like when you've given it your all. And you workout until you get that feeling. Work hard, sweat, get fit, and feel the power.

Train smart,



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