Wednesday, January 31, 2007


It's always bothered my how much petty bickering there is in my industry.

DIfferent people believe different approaches to fitness training are better than others.

They constantly argue. Spewing negative energy into the world.

I just don't get it. People like me are supposed to teach, motivate and inspire. And if you don't like my approach, you can go find another. I'm not going to call you stupid because you don't like to train the way I do. But I have heard other "trainers" do just that.

It's about finding something you like and will sticking with it.

If you want to learn how to do some serious functional fitness training with little-to-no equipment then I'm your man. If you want to be a bodybuilder I'm not your man. And there's nothing wrong with that.

I mention this today because I was browsing a forum yesterday where these two "professional trainers" were literally resorting to a kindergarten level, calling each other names and losing any resemblance to a civilized discussion of different training techniques. It was pathetic. But it happens all the time.

Avoid negativity at all costs. It's a killer.

Train smart,



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