Friday, March 02, 2007


Have you ever slipped on the ice? Stinks doesn't it?

Since I tie everything into fitness let me do the same here.

The better shape you are in the less likely you will fall. It's true. I've slipped several times this winter but only actually fell once and I was right back up when I did with no injuries.

When your trunk (or as the gym bunnies call it nowadays, your "core") is in condition, it keeps you balanced even when some unforeseen slippage occurs.

It is also just common sense the stronger and more flexible you are the less likely you will get injured in general. Have you ever noticed the people who are always getting injured are usually the fattest, most out-of-shape people? Sure you have. Staying fit is not just about looking good, in fact looking good should be last on the list of reasons. Maintenance is the point.

Keep the functional machine that is your body in tip top working order so you can go through life falling a little less.

You'll still slip, just not much.

Train smart,



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