Monday, March 05, 2007


Today was the first day in a long time that the sun was up as I was getting to my 6am client's house. It was nice. I hate it when I get there and it's dark, then I leave and it's dark.

I like to tell myself I'm not affected by the sun. I can be awake when I want to be awake I tell myself. And most of the time I think I'm right. Then days like today happen when I feel totally different as I'm getting to the client's home. I felt awake and alert. Not tired and sluggish. It was a nice change.

So I guess I really am affected by the sun, just like very other human being on the planet, shucks I thought I was special.

If you felt the same way as I did this morning make sure you take advantage of it and get a good workout in today. Exercise will begat more energy which will begat more exercise. It's a cycle. All you need to do is get in the flow.

Today is a good day to get your flow on. Have at it.

Train smart,



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