Wednesday, March 07, 2007


So there was this big announcement yesterday about this year long study of different diet plans. And the big "shocker" was that Atkins performed the best out of all of them.

Now I'm not a proponent of the Atkins diet, I've tried it sure, and you can lose weight. It's not bad at all. Most people focus on the 2-week initiation phase of it where it's really really strict. But it doesn't stay that way. In fact, Atkins gets to a point when it's just a natural intelligent eating plan. No starchy crap.

Which is basically all you need.

Every person I know who is winning the war on weight gain has always come to same conclusion when it comes to diet. Lo and behold it is not that complicated. Eating good natural foods in proper portions. There is no mystery.

Different doctors and gurus may put their own little twist on it and call it there own. Who knows? I'll probably do it some day. "The Max Q Diet" Sounds good right? Anyway, my point is don't get all caught up on whose diet you follow. Focus on being a responsible food chooser. Eat the right things only when you're hungry. It's simple folks. Don't over think it.

However, if you need to follow something like Atkins to give you a sense of control when you're first starting out, by all means do it. Once you get a handle on things you can settle into a sound eating lifestyle that will serve you for a lifetime.

Train smart,



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