Thursday, March 08, 2007


Can someone tell me why it's always national news when some news study comes out that backs up the idea that obese people have more health problems. The scary part is all the money that is being wasted running theses studies.

Holy Cow! Fat people have more heart problems! Call CNN, we must get the word out ASAP!

People have always known being fat is bad. That's why "being fat" is considered a bad thing.

Every day there's a new study suggesting adults and children should do their best to stay in shape. Then they go do another study to back up that study. How about this? We stop with all the studies and put the money and effort into developing ideas and strategies to get fat Americans off their butts and moving? I think that would be a better division of resources don't you?

Oh and by the way, turns out fast food is bad for you too. Who woulda thunk it? We should study that more, we must be absolutely sure before we do anything drastic like attempt to take some business away from McDonald's and the like.

Train smart,



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