Thursday, March 22, 2007

Stay stronger

I noticed a lady jogging on the road today.

She was very tiny. In fact she looked frail.

I can almost guarantee that jogging is the only form of exercise she does. It's great that she is taking initiative to go out there and do it. However, she probably falls into the category of people who believe all one needs to do is aerobic training, or "cardio."

Not true.

If all you do is run and run eventually you will have no strength left at all. I've seen it before and I will see it again. It is very important to incorporate some sort of strength training into your regime. It doesn't have to be weights. Any sort of progressive resistance training will work. I have my favorites, and you should discover yours.

There is so much more to all around fitness than "cardio." Current research has shown that people who do nothing but cardio over a long period of time with nothing else actually can weaken their hearts. Not good.

So if you like to run, do your running. But mix in some resistance training a few times a week. You'll feel and look a whole lot better.

Train smart,



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