Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I saw in the news today a bunch of mathematicians solved some super huge math problem called E8. It was first discovered in 1887 and was just now solved. Apparently, the calculation contains enough information to fill 60 gigabytes and if it was written out on paper it would cover an area the size of Manhattan.

This is a very impressive accomplishment.....I guess.

I mean nothing against the smart guys working on this but does this really affect anyone's real life in any way? And will it ever? Who knows? Maybe I'm wrong, maybe solving this problem will lead to a solution for world hunger.

I bet at least half of the mathematicians who solved E8 are fat and lazy. That's what happens when you sit around working your brain all day.

The mind and body are one. Make sure if you spend most of your day thinking that you make yourself spend part of your day working your body just as hard. You'll find they will each function better. Exercising one will help the other and vice versa, it's a cycle.

This sounds like I'm underplaying the accomplishment of these mathematicians, I'm not really, it sounds really impressive and important. Really.

Train smart,



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