Wednesday, April 04, 2007

It's no Secret really

There's been a lot of press lately about the law of attraction. It's one of the basic laws of success. But recently I think some new book was on Oprah and all of a sudden it is like it is a brand new concept.

Not to take anything away from the author/s (I really don't know too much about it, except that the title is "The Secret") but the law of attraction concept has been around forever. It is nothing new. But I guess it's good that a whole new group of people are being made aware of it that otherwise wouldn't have. Because once you understand this law, the sky is the limit.

In a nutshell, the more you desire and visualize something you want, the more it will be attracted into your life. Simple right? Well, you'd be surprised how many people surrender control of their lives to "fate" or "bad luck," when the truth is YOU control it. Your thoughts and desires control your life.

Now I could go on and on about the law of attraction, and I do write about it in a book I am currently working on. But for now just realize you naturally move towards what you think about all day. If you constantly think, "I'm just a fat person" then you will be. Think, "I want to be a fit, active person who inspires other's with my success" and it will start to happen. Just as long as you act.

Train smart,



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