Monday, April 02, 2007

So far so good

Last night I did the first tough workout I've done in a week, so I could let my back heal. I tell you what; I haven't been that anxious about the next morning since I was a kid on the Christmas eve before I got my go-kart (that never ran by the way.)

It wasn't an excited anxious, it was a nervous one. What if my back hurt like it did last Monday? What would I do then? I can't take weeks and weeks off of all exercise, that's what I do. Plus, I was getting all depressed over it (nothing too serious, just bummed out.)

Well, I'm glad to say the back is feeling pretty good this morning, probably better than it did yesterday. Rest is important, like it or not.

The real test will be tonight when I go back to Judo after a week off.

Just FYI, my wife is due to deliver my son on April 20th. However, the doctor's are telling us she is big for this point (that's my boy) and the dates could possibly be off. She's going for a second ultra-sound today to see just that. I'm looking at it as she could go anytime. So if all of a sudden I don't post for a couple days that's what's going on. I'll be camped out in a hospital room.

Train smart,



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