Friday, April 13, 2007

Feel the time

I'm really routing for my son to be born before midnight tonight. I think having Friday the 13th as your birthday would be cool. But it will probably end up being the 15th so his entire life all taxpayers will dread his birthday.

Last night I was having some trouble sleeping because my wife was telling me she "felt weird." So of course I thought he was coming. Anyway, at around 11 I was wound up and she was fast asleep. So I decided to do a late night workout.

Most people would think working out at 11 o'clock at night is weird, and it may be. But I think it's good to exercise not only when you should, but when you WANT to as well. You see, there are times when all of a sudden you get a burst of energy and feel like you could do something, but perhaps it's late at night and you think you should "make yourself calm down" instead. I don't do that. If I feel the urge to move then I go move, even if I've already exercised a couple times that day.

So last night at 11 I banged out 504 straight body weight squats (why 504? that's my secret, mwa hahaha), a few pull ups and some stuff with my Bulgarian power bag, oh and I capped it off with some deep breathing exercises. By the time I was done I was nice and relaxed. And once I decided to go to sleep (around 1:30) I was able to fall asleep no problem.

Exercise can be an odd thing. Sometimes you can hardly get yourself to do it, and sometimes you feel like it's all you want to do all day (at least for me.) I encourage you to take advantage of the times you feel the urge to move, no matter where you are or what time it is.

Train smart,



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