Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Is there only one way to burn fat?

In order to burn fat you must do "cardio" for hours and hours.

Another myth.

Sure you CAN burn fat that way. But it is not the only way.

Whenever someone asks me about this myth I tell them to take a look at the sprinters in the Olympics. They are lean and muscular. Do they run for miles and miles in their training? No. They run sprints.

I've never liked the term "cardio." Mindless dredging on some elliptical machine just seems like a waste of time to me. You'll sweat sure, and get some exercise. But you could be doing something so much better in that same time.

It takes the human body about 2 hours of non-stop movement before it starts burning fat as a primary energy source. What did he just say? Yes, you read that right. Most people don't burn fat while they are actually exercising. The fat burning comes throughout the rest of day. While you resting and are not thinking about exercising.

10 minutes of interval sprint training will blow any "cardio" routine you can think of out of the water.

The modern idea "cardio" training is not bad. It just could be made so much better.

The bottom line is it is not necessary to pound out hours and hours jogging on the treadmill to burn fat.

Train smart,



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