Friday, May 04, 2007

Walk, jog, run?

Walking is not as good as jogging, and jogging is not as good as running. Running is the epitome of "cardio."

Not necessarily true.

I've seen it too often. Overweight people start walking regularly, they feel good and decided to try to jog a little. Then they hurt themselves (twisted ankle, sore knee etc..) and stop exercising all together.

You see, walking is fine, walking combined with deep breathing and a steady pace is awesome. If you just want to lose weight you can't go wrong with walking. Some will be able to walk for an hour but couldn't jog for 5 minutes. In that case, for pure weight loss the walking would be superior.

Don't push yourself farther than your body is ready.

If you've got 100 pounds to lose the last thing you should be trying to do is run. You'll hurt yourself. I know it stinks but that's where you are so you must accept it and deal with. Use your anger about the situation to fuel your motivation.

If you want to run, be patient, it will come. But if you push your body before it is ready only bad things can happen. Lose the weight first. Remember, injury changes everything. It can make the strongest man in the world as weak as a kitten.

Train smart,



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