Monday, June 11, 2007


I had a pretty tough day workout wise today. Long story short, I tried a new workout that took about an hour and took just about every thing I had to do. Then I went to Judo. Right now I am ready to just lay and recover.

People often ask me how much is too much. Well, honestly, over-training is not something the average person has to worry about. It is actually pretty hard to truly overtrain. And once you do it, you'll know, trust me.

Am I over-trained right now? No. I'm just tired from a hard day of physical activity. If I did the same thing tomorrow would I be over trained then? No. In fact for someone in my condition I would have to go full bore on the same routine over and over again for at least 2 weeks to become over trained.

And the solution is simple.

Just changes things up. Invoke the variation principle of fitness training.

So it you ever get bored with your routine, do something different for a bit. It's okay.

I'm off to rest.

Train smart,



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