Thursday, July 12, 2007


A mind closed tightly against all negative and discouraging influences, including negative suggestions of relatives, friends and acquaintances; step three in developing persistence.

This is probably my favorite one.

Basically, you don't give a crap what anyones says or thinks about what you're doing, no matter who they are.

Your life is yours, not theirs. No matter what you do, if it's a change in your life people you know and are close to will have their little inputs about it. And some of them will be negative.

"Oh, you can't do that."


"Do you really think you can lose that much weight?"

Whatever it is.

Sure you'll have some positive reactions too, but those seem to always be few and far between.

Famiy and friends are bound to be discouraging, not necessarily on purpose either. It just happens sometimes. You must be able to close your mind tightly to these influences if you wish to persist in anything worth doing.

So realize if you want to get into great shape, it's your mission, not anyone else's, and if they have nothing nice to say then ignore them...and then use their negativity to fuel your success.

Then rub their faces in it. :)

Train smart,



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