Friday, July 27, 2007

Be contagious

By now I'm sure you've seen the story on the news about a new study that suggest obesity can be contagious. Not in the traditional sense of the world. A fat guy isn't going to cough in your face and infect you with obesity.

Basically if your friends are obese you are 50% more likely to become obese yourself.

Once again study results that I could have told you while saving all the money it cost to run the study. It all boils down to accountability yet again. If no one is holding you accountable you are more likely to "let yourself go." Now some people can hold themselves accountable, most can't. And people are more comfortable around people you are like themselves. It's just a politically incorrect fact of life. People like to be around other's like themselves.

Friends and family all influence each other. They influence ideas and behaviors. It's common sense if one thin person spends all their time hanging around with 9 obese people the odds are soon there will be a group of 10 obese people.

However, the study also showed it works both ways. If your friend decides to get into shape you are more likely to do the same. Accountability and comfort.

So take a good look at the people you hang out with the most, then take a good look at yourself. You're either on the right path, or need to make a change. Go find out where you are and set a good example to the people in your life. Who knows? You may be contagious.

Train smart,



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