Monday, July 23, 2007

Test run

Last Friday night I put my wife and I through a prototype version of my fitness class. It went well. It was challenging yet seemed to go by fast. And in the words of my wife, "it worked muscles I didn't even know I had, I felt it in my whole body."

So it is a work in progress. I think soon I will start exploring when and where to introduce my idea to the public.

What it all boils down to is what you want to train for. This idea will train people to get in overall condition. It's not a bunch of fru fru dance moves, or some reinvention of cardio-kickboxing with a fancy new name to make it sound mystical.

It has been my experience most of the people out there just want to get into shape. They don't really have a preference as to a specific activity they want to prepare for, they just want to prepare for life.

Well, that's what I'm doing with this idea of mine. Even the structure of the class will be more real-life based. So anyway, stayed tuned for updates and maybe sometime in the near future we'll be sweating together.

Train smart,



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