Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Only 237?

Did you see that story on the news about some scientists somewhere who compiled a list of 237 reasons why people like to have sex?

Makes you wonder why that was something necessary to spend research money on when there's still plenty of diseases to cure.

Anyway, I thought it was a funny thing, I can think of at least 123 of them right off the top of my head.

Not to get too graphic but if you want to be better at that activity you might want to try getting yourself into shape. Trust me, being in good physical condition aids in that department, for obvious reasons.

Just some trivia here: the average person only burns 23 calories during sex. So forget all the myths you've heard about it burning 1000 calories in 5 minutes. Just doesn't happen. But personally, I gotta burn at least 2500. ;-)

Train smart,



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