Monday, July 30, 2007

Busy weekend

I had a busy weekend. My daughter had her 4th birthday party so most of the weekend was spent either getting ready for or having the party. And I found out on Friday I have Lyme disease. But it's okay, I didn't have any symptoms beside a rash on my arm. I'm just lucky I got the rash in a place I could see it because I wouldn't have thought anything was wrong and end up being one of those stubborn people who end up having Lyme disease for years.

Anyhoo, all ended up going well, and the weather held out too.

But I still found time to workout a few times. You can always find time to exercise of you make it a priority. Think of it that way, as important as taking care of your kids or going to work. Take care of your vessel. Exercise! No matter what!

5-10-15 minutes. Whatever it is, it's a start. There are no excuses if you are serious about it. And that my friends, is the bottom line.

Train smart,



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