Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Do you want to have a great workout in little time? Try this out. It's an approach to interval training named after a doctor would studied the benefits of it. It's called Tabata intervals. It's great stuff. Simple and easy to do.

Pick any exercises you want. It's best to start with an easy to perform calisthenic. For now we'll just stick to running in place.

What you do it sprint all out for 20 seconds (get the knees high,) followed by 10 seconds of rest. That is one round, 30 seconds. You do that 8 times back to back, totaling 4 minutes total. Not too long right? Well just try it and you'll see.

Ideally you'll pick 4 exercises and do 8 rounds of each back to back totaling 16 minutes. You can alternate the exercises like a circuit, or do all 8 of one before switching to the next. It's up to you. Either way you'll have a great workout.

This is usually how I do my sprint interval training. You may have to build up to it by starting with a shorter sprint time and a longer rest time, but you want to work to the 20/10 model. It has been proven to increase aerobic and anaerobic capacity by a great deal.

Interval training should be a core part of your fitness regime. I believe it is one of the best ways to get yourself into shape quickly and functionally.

Give it a shot and let me know how it goes. Start of slow and build up to a full sprint if you are really out of shape. Walk to a jog to a run, that's the way everything works. Your body will adapt, no matter how far gone you currently are.

Train smart,



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