Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Pain in my butt

I'm a little sore today. Yesterday I did some exercises I had never done before. They were just little tweaks on your standards.

Your body will respond to even the slightest change in your exercise routine. And it is important to do so every now and then. It's called the variation principle, and I've written about it before.

Sometimes I find myself getting too comfortable with a certain exercise and I feel the need to change things up. Yesterday I did that, and I'm feeling it today. It's a good feeling, for me anyway. I sort of enjoy getting sore from exercise, some might call me weird, but to me it is a way of knowing what I did worked.

Right now my hamstrings and butt is quite tender. I think today I'll try to hit the arms and chest. I need to figure out a way to do something I've never done before. That's going to be hard, but I'm sure I can think of something.

Don't get too comfortable with your workout. Eventually the law of diminishing returns will kick in and you'll stop getting good results. So try something new today. And feel the sweet soreness tomorrow.

Train smart,



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