Friday, August 03, 2007

Coffee prevention

Today I saw yet another study about coffee. This one says it may help prevent liver cancer. Awesome.

So far I'm not getting colon, skin or liver cancer since I drink coffee (black, the way God intended.) I also exercise daily so I'm good to go. I may live forever come to think of it. I wonder what I will do to fill the time?

Seriously though, in today's world it's time for you to start thinking about preventive healthcare instead of reactionary healthcare. Prevention is going to be the next big revolution in the healthcare industry.

And the best ways to prevent? Nutrition and exercise. Plan and simple, no secrets here.

Don't sit around waiting for the next drug to come around that can help you live with a disease, do your best to prevent the disease. 70% of all disease is nutrition related, isn't that crazy? In a nutshell that means 70% of all disease could be avoided with proper nutrition. And I bet if you throw regular exercise in their you could get that percentage even higher.

Prevention people, prevention. Oh, and drink that coffee, apparently it can raise the dead, especially the way I make it.

Train smart,



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