Thursday, August 02, 2007

Don't be that way

The arrogance of people sometimes astounds me. Some people will believe the same thing no matter what the evidence to the contrary says right to their face.

I speak mainly to the people who think they know how to train for certain things that just doesn't make any sense.

I recently was talking to a guy who wants to run a marathon. Not my area of expertise I admit, but I know a little about a lot. Anyway, he was telling me his training regime and it included training with heavy weights at low reps.

I told him if he wants to be a distance runner he is pretty much wasting his time with that sort of weight training program. It's counter productive. But he just nodded his head and I could see in his eyes he was still going to do it. He was hearing me, but not listening.

To me it seems obvious that heavy weight training and long distance running don't go together, but to some others it just doesn't I guess.

Don't assume you know everything. Research and learn and keep an open mind. Their are no real secrets in physical fitness, however there are people who know stuff and people who THINK they know stuff. Search out the good stuff.

And that includes me too, I definitely don't know everything, but I'm always learning. Do the same. The mind and body are one. Train them both equally.

Train smart,



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