Monday, August 06, 2007

Here I go again

I know I've ranted about soda here before but today I feel the need to let loose again.

I just saw a report on the news this weekend about diet soda and how, lo and behold, it might contribute to several diseases. Just one a day could increase the risk of some metabolic disorder that can then lead to to heart disease. Well I'll be darned.

The strange part to me is how everyone thinks this is so unbelievable. Even the news reporters seem shocked. Are you kidding me? It doesn't matter if it has no calories, it's chock full of chemicals, just look at the label! One woman actually said, "it's my water." That woman is going to die early if she doesn't change.

People become addicted to these concoctions and the scary part is most of them see nothing wrong with it. Now I'll drink a soda at a family picnic or something when there's no water around, but I can count on one hand the sodas I've had in the past year. I see it as a "treat," not a staple of my diet.

One spokesman for diet coke had the audacity to say, "Great taste, no calories, wholesome ingredients, why not drink as much as you want?"

Talk about corporate spin. It's disgusting.

And people sometimes criticize me (not that I care) for trying to make a living getting people healthy. Go figure.

DRINK WATER! Time to exercise. I'll catch you tomorrow.

Train smart,



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