Monday, September 17, 2007

Don't break down here!

Looks like we're all back up on the bulletin's website. So now life can go on.

I was driving on the highway this morning while I was making my rounds and I passed a prison. There's that sign on the highway telling you not to stop in this area. But there was a van with what looked like a broken axle right in front of the prison. Suspicious? Or just bad luck? Probably just bad luck.

Made me think about how we can't always control what happens to us. I bet the driver of that van didn't want to break down there, regardless of what that road sign said.

Sometimes you just have to roll with the punches. You have to make things work.

So how do we apply this principle to fitness? Well, you can probably see where this is going. You can't make excuses about why you can't exercise. You just have to make it work. That's the big secret. All those people who you wonder, "how do they do it?" the answer is, they just do.

Most people hate hearing that. They want the secret answer. But there isn't one. Just make it work people. Find a way to get that exercise in.

Train smart,



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