Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Just let me get something in the basement

Let me tell you about one of my little workouts I do on a regular basis.

This is an answer to those who say they can't workout because they can't make it to a gym and/or don't have equipment at home.

If you own a house that has a basement or live in an apartment building with stairs you are already at your gym.

I like to sprint up and jog down my basement steps about 50-100 times. Think that sounds too simple or easy to be a good workout?

Then go give it a shot.

Sprint up, turn around and jog down, then turn around a sprint up again. I like to do that 10 times then stop at the bottom and do a set of push-ups or sit-ups or something, then bang out 10 more followed by more of the push-ups or whatever it is.

This will get you huffing and/or puffing in no time flat. And you will be forever cured of the "I can't make it to the gym" virus.

Oh and this works great for those of you who travel a lot...what do hotels have lots of usually on the sides or next to the elevators?

Train smart,



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