Thursday, November 30, 2006

How ya eatin?

People often think about what they eat when they're trying to lose weight. But they rarely think about how they eat.

Have you ever seen people shove as much food as possible in their mouths in each bite? They finish a whole sandwich n about 2 or 3 mouthfuls. Then they feel like having another because they don't feel like they ate that much. The first sandwich hasn't even made it down to the stomach yet and they're already starting on the second.

Now, I have always been a fast eater, and I still am. I finish my meal before everyone usually. But I know to wait a few minutes after I'm done and eventually I feel full.

Next time you eat pay attention to how your eating. Take small bites, slow down, enjoy your food. And stop when you are full.

Full does not mean your stomach feels like it's about to burst. Full is satisfied and comfortable.

Eating is not a sport. No matter what those "competitive eaters" want to tell themselves (give me a break.) Eat in a relaxed state. You'll notice you'll tend to eat less when you practice this.

So pay attention to what you eat of course, but also how you eat. And chew with your mouth closed will ya? Didn't your mother teach you manners?

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I was driving early this morning while it was still dark. I was in a part of the state I don't frequent too often. I noticed this glowing neon sign in the window of a building, I assumed it was a veterinarian. The sign said, "Floyd's Dog and Cat Repair."

I thought it was funny.

First time I've ever seen a sign like that at a vet's office. It served its purpose, I noticed it and remembered it. And if I lived in the area and was looking for a vet I would certainly check him out. Because I admire his creativity and sense of humor.

I 'm sure he received criticism from "peers" about his unique sign. That happens when one tries to stand out from the pack. But he obviously doesn't care.

That is the sort of attitude you need to have.

People will criticize you when you start exercising regularly. They will think you're trying to be different, to draw attention to yourself. They won't like it because it will shine a light on their own short-comings.

Don't let it bother you. Be proud of yourself for making a positive change in your life.

Take this approach it every aspect of your life. Don't care what they say. And if you fail, get up and try again. It takes guts to change. It takes guts to keep going. You will be rewarded. That's the way life works.

Let your neon sign shine bright for the world to see.

And always keep your sense of humor.

Train smart,


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Day 1

The first day of wrestling practice has come and gone. It was okay, I just wish we had more numbers. Our team is going to be small this year. But that happens sometimes in such a demanding sport, if it was easy, everyone would do it.

While I was at the high school, I kept noticing how many kids are fat and out-of-shape. Every year I when go back it seems like there are more and more.

Today I'm going to make my weekly plea with all you parents out there to get your kids moving, instead of buying them a $600 video game system. Or if you buy it, use time playing it as currency to make them actually move their bodies a little.

It really is survival of the fittest out there. If you aren't fit you won't survive as long, or as well, as you should. These kids are digging a hole that they will struggle to get out of their whole lives. And we as parents are responsible to steer them clear of it.

No excuses. "They don't like sports." "They won't eat healthy food." blah blah blah. They don't need to do a sport, just walking is fine to start. Lead by example and make them do it. It's not time to be their friend, it's time to be their parent. Take care of their bodies for them until they are at the age when they want to do it themselves. They will thank you for it.

Day two of practice today, I wonder if everyone will come back?

Train smart,


Monday, November 27, 2006

And so it begins....

Today is the big day for me. Wrestling season officially begins in the state of Connecticut. This day kicks off the busiest time of the year for me.

I'll have 3 hours of practice a day, with the exception of match days and Sundays. Match days can be anywhere between 3 hours or all day for a Saturday.

Then I have running my business and the regular things that go along with life. Oh, and I should say 'hi' to my wife and daughter every now and then.

My point is for the next few months I am going to have a very full schedule. It will be hard for me to make the time to exercise. But I will, because it is a priority.

Training yourself to think of exercise as a priority, as important as your family or job, or even eating and breathing, is the key of all keys to fitness. You can try every form or style or theory of fitness, but if you don't actually take the time to do it then it's worthless.

Make it a priority. A serious one. Not just words you tell yourself, but the bona-fide truth in your life.

That my friends, makes all the difference.

Okay, I need to go figure out how I'm going to beat on my wrestlers today, and get a workout in myself before practice.

Train smart,


Friday, November 24, 2006


So, did everyone get their Thanksgiving day workout in?

I did. But it was tough.

I got up at 5am to get the Turkey in the oven, then I was dozing on and off on the couch, getting up every 30-45 minutes to check on it. My wife got up around 8:30 and we started cleaning up the house and getting ready for our guests coming at 11.

Well, I kept telling myself, "Self, you must get a workout in before everyone gets here, because if you wait and tell yourself you'll just do it tonight you won't because you'll be tired and lazy."

I know myself well enough to know that.

Finally, at about 10 my wife got in the shower to get ready, and I said, "Time to rock." So I took the 20 minutes it took her to get ready to put myself through the ringer. I worked out all the stress I had in me from everything I had to get done for Thanksgiving. And after I was done I felt so much better. I was relaxed and calm.

I then cleaned myself up right in time for our first guests to arrive. And it was a great day.

Might I add my turkey was juicy and succulent. One might call it perfect, yes, it was a perfect turkey.

So be thankful you can exercise. Be thankful you can move your body. Be thankful you are alive. It may sound cheesy, but this is the season for cheesiness.

For those of you crazy enough to go shopping today, take some time to get some exercise in, you'll feel more energized when you're fighting for those deals.

Train smart,


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Turkey training

Since my favorite holiday is tomorrow I'm going to be taking it off from posting this blog. I'm sure you can understand. I'll be busy cooking (yes I cook, well too) since we're hosting festivities at my home this year.

But you can bet your butt I'll still find time to get a workout in. It's a little "tradition" I have with myself. I make myself get a hard workout in on holidays and my birthday. Days that most people would "treat" themselves by taking it off.

I do this because it is good mental training. I mean, if you're committed enough to workout on THOSE days then the rest of the days in the year should be no problem right?

This trick works wonders. You begin to think of yourself as the type of person who will exercise, no matter what. And that's the kind of person you want to be.

So I have to get up at about 5am to get the Turkey in the oven anyway, so I'll probably bang out a workout right after I get it in cookin' to get it out of the way.

Won't you join me?

Train smart,


PS- Have a great Thanksgiving. Remember, everything in moderation. And be truly thankful for all you have in this awesome nation of ours.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Patience is a virtue

You need to be patient.

All too often people want to be in superior condition yesterday, and don't want to have to work hard to get it. That is not possible. Even with surgery.

Sure, surgery can make you look "better" quickly. But deep inside of you you will still be in poor condition.

When someone who has never exercised regularly begins to do so they usually see some drastic results fairly quickly. Then it slows down as their body adjusts. However, if they stick to the principles of fitness training they will continue to improve almost indefinitely at a steady pace.

But patience is key. Regular exercise is not a quick fix that one can stop after they hit their goal and expect to maintain it. Regular exercise is a lifestyle. Commit yourself to greatness and go go go.

Constantly strive to improve.

Train smart,


Monday, November 20, 2006

3 Things

I went hunting on Saturday (please no emails if you're anti-hunting, you're not going to change my mind.)

While I was trudging through the woods I was thinking, "This is why I stay functionally fit." So I can do the things I want in life, even if they require a moderate amount of physical exertion, and do them well (the physical part of hunting that is, the actual hunting is a different story.)

Many people don't do the activities they want to do because they simply just can't at their current fitness level.

Since I keep myself in shape it is no big deal for me to put on 3 layers of warm clothes, walk a few hundred yards or so, up hill, both ways (just kidding), climb a tree and be able to sit there for hours.

I've been unable to do the things I wanted to because of my weight and fitness level before, when I was a kid. That will never happen to me again. Quite frankly, it sucks. Having to turn down something fun, that you've been wanting to do, because you just physically can't do it, or fit in it, is what I call a "call to action" moment.

There are several different kinds, and I've talked about them before. But it deserves repeating. If a moment like that happens to you, and you realize how bad of you are off, remember, it really is NEVER too late to do something about.

You can get in shape, you can lose the weight. You just need 3 things. Knowledge, motivation, and the will to do it. I can offer you the first two, but the latter is up to you.

What are you made of?

Train smart,


Friday, November 17, 2006


I think I found the very first article I ever wrote, if this isn't it it's dang near close. Oh the memories. You can barely call this a article, it's pretty short. I forgot what it was for though. Oh well, enjoy...


The Need for...Exercise?
By Ryan Linderson

Human beings have few basic fundamental needs. Food, water, shelter, that's about it. But, what about exericse? Does exercise qualify as a basic fundamental need?
Ask different people and you'll get different answers. I would say yes it is. The man down the street who weighs 450 pounds would probably have something different to say.
People, especially children, are getting lazier and fatter by the minute. Obesity leads to disease. Disease leads to death.
One of the definitions for the word "need" is: a physiological or psychological requirement for the well-being of an organism. It's my understanding the well-being of any organism is usually in direct opposition to that organism being dead. Therefore, I would have to say anything used to prevent death is a need. Bing, bang, boom, exercise is a need. I took critical thinking in college.
One of my mentors used to say when he was asked how often one should exercise. "How often do you eat or breath?" The asker usually got his drift.
If you're not exercising now you must start. The hardest repetition of any exercise is the first one. Transition periods in life are always hard. Recognize it will be hard. Then take it on like the biggest challenge of your life and refuse to surrender since surrender would mean premature death to due totally avoidable circumstances.
Make the time. The time to exercise is there somewhere in your day. I've heard the 'no time' excuse countless times and there has yet to be one person I could not carve out some time when the told me their schedule. It's just a fact, when you want something bad enough you find the time.
Exercise is important. Move or die. Blunt? Yes. The truth? You bet.


That guy sounds pretty smart if you ask me!

Train smart,


Thursday, November 16, 2006

Command it to Relax

People often overlook stretching. I used to, I admit it.

Once I started to make sure I was stretching after every workout I noticed some big improvements. So make sure you do it.

Breath deep into those muscles and command them to relax. Concentrate and focus. I've had people double or triple their flexibility in one session. They have to keep at it to maintain it, but it is possible.

So make sure you do your stretching. Do it at the end of your workout and use nice deep stretches along with nice deep breathing. You'll be amazed at the difference it can make in your everyday life.

Train smart,


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Daddy watch me!

Yesterday was parents observation day in my daughter's dance class. I was there along with most of the other parents, combined all of us had about 10 grand worth or audio/video equipment to record this event.

My daughter was a little distracted by me being there. Most of the time she was just doing her own thing, but when it came time to do the drills she was all business. She enjoys the actual dancing, just not the waiting around in between.

Made me think, at that age (she's 3) kids just do what they want and hopefully listen to their parents who tell them what to do so they are safe.

If only adults would do that. If only adults would realize all the people telling them to exercise are just trying to keep them safe. Too often adults just do what they want and as a result get fatter and more unhealthy by the day.

Is it time you get 'all business' about your fitness level? If you need a coach to push you, be proactive and go out and find one. I know one whose really really good.

But no leaving the sessions to go to the potty, I have to draw the line somewhere.

Train smart,


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Good Problem

There is only so much time in the day.

Today I'm going to talk about a problem everyone should have, wanting to do too many activities for exercise.

I fall into this problem a lot. I have so many different training ideas and things I'm into, sometimes it's hard to find time to do them all.

I know some other people who like to lift weights, run and do other various exercises, and have the same issue

The answer to this problem is to realize there is only so much time in the day, and unless you're a professional athlete and/or were born into money, you don't have all of it to exercise.

There are some exercises I like that I only do once every week or two. You would think I wouldn't see any improvement doing them that infrequently. But as long as I'm doing SOMETHING everyday, I do.

Pick your absolute favorite exercises and do those 3-4 times a week, then on the other days do the ones that almost made the list. And every now and then have a day where you do all the weird stuff you want to try but never can seem to fit in.

Trust me, as long as you are exercising you're body is happy.

There is one particular plyometric workout I do that takes about an hour and wipes me out for a long time after. Pretty much on days I do that that is ALL I do. But I only do that workout about every 10-14 days, and you know what? Every time I do it I see improvement. In fact there was a time when I tried to do it twice a week, and actually got worse.

Your body needs variation. Just DO something and you will see results. GAR-UN-TEED!

Train smart,


Monday, November 13, 2006

Relax Already!

Stay relaxed. Be calm.

A couple years ago I began to notice the best workouts I had were the ones when I was "tired" before I started. The workouts when I had to really force myself to get started. It finally dawned on me. It's a principle from various martial arts and also wrestling, which is where I first learned it.

A relaxed state is more powerful than a stressed state.

When you are relaxed you can react faster, stronger and with more accuracy than if you were all wound up.

Make a fist, and tense your arm as hard as you can. Now punch your other hand as fast as you can.

Okay, now make a loose relaxed fist, relax your arm and hit that other hand again. Feel how much faster that was?

This principle makes it way into all physical and mental activities. Be calm. Focus, then do. In competition, all other things being equal, the relaxed athlete will win.

I began to incorporate this in my regular non-combative exercise. I put myself in a calm state before I begin, no matter how hard what I was about to do was. And I always performed better than if I got myself "all pumped up."

Give this a try. Before you exercise hard, do some deep breathing, calm down and tell yourself, 'I'm going to do this now, and that's that, no need getting all worked up about it." Then begin. You'll notice how much better you feel during and after the workout.

Stay calm people!

Train smart,


Friday, November 10, 2006


I saw a woman walking on the Green today. I live in Lebanon. Lebanon, Connecticut for any of you reading this who aren't locals.

Our Green is one of the biggest in New England, about 1 mile long. People walk and/or run it all day long.

But this one woman stood out to me because she looked like it was her first time exercising is a long time. She was all disheveled. She was wearing beat up sweats with paint stains of them. Her hair was a mess. She was sweating and breathing heavy.

She was beautiful.

She didn't care what she looked like. She didn't care if other people would be looking at her, criticizing her. She was just out there doing her thing.

Not giving a **** what other people think, getting out there and busting your butt. That is Max Q Training. Try some.

Train smart,


Thursday, November 09, 2006

Just give me 30

Get started. Do whatever it takes.

30 seconds is better than nothing.

A good ol' basic free squat, done the way I teach it, is one of the best exercises you can do. And you can get 25 done in about 30 seconds when you get good at them.

If you can't get 25, do 10 or even just 5 or 1. Do whatever you can to get started.

Just getting those muscles and joints moving, working together to obtain a goal is the key to functional fitness. Believe it or not, just 30 seconds with some of the functional exercises I teach will gas out the average person.

I had a client once who thought our session was over, after just the warm-up! She said to me, "Whew, that was a good leg workout." I replied, "No, it was a good leg warm-up."

You see, when you do functional fitness training you really find out what you're made of. I've seen big, bulky bodybuilder types, who the lay person would think were in great shape, be ready to pass out after just 20 seconds. Why? Because they do not train for function.

Sure, you'll look better when you do functional training, but that is not the #1 goal. The goal is to have your body function to a greater extent. The looks will come along with that. As well as the ability to do the things you want, and excel at them.

So, if all you can do is 30 seconds, then get off your butt and do it. And tomorrow do 31 seconds.

Train smart,


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

It must be the lighting in here.

I've been filming myself doing certain exercises recently. It's for various purposes, one being a little montage I put on my homepage if you want to see it,

Anyway, I would recommend if you have the means to video tape yourself doing your favorite exercises. You can see yourself at all different angles. Stuff you can't see in a mirror.

It can help you fine tune your technique and form. You may notice you're favoring a side of your body which is hindering your balance. Perhaps you're leaning to far this way, or that way.

Whatever it is. Some things you can't see with a mirror.

And if you're like most people you'll probably see something you don't like and be motivated to train harder. But at the same time be sure you are appreciative of what you CAN do. There are many people out there who would give anything to just be able to walk.

The ability to exercise and move is a privilege. So often we take it for granted. I saw a gentleman in a wheel chair yesterday while I was voting. And it really struck me how earlier in the day I was complaining about my form on a certain exercise. I told myself to just shut up and be thankful I can do it to begin with, and to just work harder if I want to get better.

If you can move, take care of your body by exercising. You don't have the right not to.

Train smart,


Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I'm so glad this day is here.

No more political ads, at least for the time being.

I believe that thoughts project energy so every time one of these nasty ads comes on I feel a rush of negative energy filling the room. It's just sad. Everybody just calls each other stupid. It's becoming more and more childish and ridiculous every election. And everybody does it.

Negative energy makes you feel tired and sluggish, you don't want to exercise. I swear, every time I saw one of those ads I felt that way.

So now that the ads will cease maybe you'll feel more like exercising.

I think I'll run for office. I won't bash my opponent, I'll just threaten to put them through a killer Max Q Training workout. Of course I suppose they'd have to be willing and able, and if they're like most people, they aren't.

My clients are special people, they are Doers. People who take action and go. They make things happen.

Make sure you go vote today, it's your privilege.

I want to propose a new proposition, for every negative ad a politician "approves this message" on they need to do 100 pushups. That should put a stop to it.

Train smart,


Monday, November 06, 2006


The truth is you can get into great shape.

So many people fool themselves into thinking they physically are incapable of exercising. It's an injury, it's their genetics, it's this or that excuse. The truth is it is very rare to find someone who physically can't do some form of exercise.

Even deep breathing is an exercise.

What people truly can't do is motivate themselves. They let fear stop them from starting. They fear change, failure, success, criticism, etc...

Don't let fear stop you.

Listen to the truth. You can do it.

Set goals, conquer fear, achieve dreams.

Start with just one exercise and let it grow.

Train smart,


Friday, November 03, 2006

Throwing you a Lifeline.

Even though I'm always telling people they don't need any equipment to get into great shape there are still some people that just refuse to believe it.

So today I am going to cave in and tell you about the best fitness equipment company out there. I'm getting nothing for this, I just love their products.

Now, for 3-4 years I didn't use one piece of equipment on my path to phenomenal functional fitness. And I still mostly just use my bodyweight. But, every now and then it's fun to mix it up with a little equipment use.

This is not big, bulky equipment. It's not iron weights, or stair climbers. All their stuff is easily portable. Sometimes I bring it with me to my clients to train them with some of it.

The company is Lifeline USA. Their website is

If you have any questions about a certain product or anything give them a call, they are great people. Or you can email me and ask, I've at least tried just about everything they offer.

Lately I'm big on the Power Sprinter w/ R10 cables, go check it out.

Lifeline USA, good stuff.

Train smart,


Thursday, November 02, 2006

Time It

Time stops for no man, unless you're Marty McFly, but that's a different story.

I like to use time to help push me through my workouts.

A good stopwatch can be all the fitness equipment you need. Say for example you want to be able to do 25 straight push-ups (small attainable goal.)

Start your timer and bang out as many as you can. Say you get 8. Now recover but keep that timer going. Once you're able, do some more. Keep that going until you've gotten all 25. Then stop the timer. That is your base time.

Now every time you do the push-ups try to beat your time. And eventually you'll take less and less breaks, until no breaks at all and 25 are done in a row.

I use this technique all the time with great success. Give it a shot and achieve.

Train smart,


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I'm Talking to the Man in the Mirror

I have a little tip for you today.

Try exercising in front of a mirror. Look into your eyes while you're struggling. This helps with motivation and can actually make you bang out a few more reps or last a little bit longer. It's like you're feeding off of your own energy.

Sure, mirrors are good for checking your form and all that, but they can also be a great motivation tool.

Overweight people tend to try to avoid mirrors because they don't like what they see. I used to. You have to confront it and look yourself in the eye and promise yourself you will change, then do it.

Have you ever heard someone say, "now look me in the eye and say that."? Sure you have, it's something we do so we know someone isn't lying. We like to think someone can't lie to you when they are looking you in the eye. Most people can't. Unfortunately some can. Can you? Looks yourself in the eye and see what you're really made of. Then break a sweat.

Train smart,